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Established in 1991, in 2011 the membership of the CHEC (EA 1001) comprises forty-two university professors and sixty doctoral candidates. The CHEC brings together the expertise of archaeologists, historians, art historians, area study specialists, and musicologists to produce scholarship focusing on cultural political history, social religious history, the history of cultural creativity, and with an accent on space and land use, regional history and archaeology. It has emphasized constant rejuvenation, renewing its membership with eighteen new recruits since 2005. It also includes fourteen full professors and three members of the French national research center, Institut Universitaire de France. The CHEC promotes collaboration across disciplinary lines as well as across regional and national boundaries. Currently, five of its members are working under research contracts with the French national research agency, Agence Nationale de la Recherche, and the CHEC has established partnerships with scholarly research centers in Italy, Spain, and Germany. The CHEC staff includes two software engineers and one secretary and it encourages their regular upgrading through training programs. The CHEC also provides assistance to its doctoral candidates in their dissertation work (the current time for completion is 6.2 years) with travel funds and a graduate student research group. Doctoral candidates are encouraged to participate in the numerous symposiums, colloquiums, conferences, and seminars in partnership with other universities organized by CHEC members, as well as in their various collected and individual scholarly publications. Overall in the period 2008-2011, the CHEC organized thirty-eight symposiums, colloquiums, and conferences, published fifteen books, and produced fifteen issues of its journal (Cahier Siècles). CHEC doctoral candidates published a total of 134 articles, and its professors 369 articles in scholarly journals in the same period. While the CHEC’s activities and publications speak to its success, its members are motivated to overcome even further the difficulties inherent in coordinating its diverse programs and individual scholarship, as well as bringing into its various structures newly recruited scholars. In establishing this review of the still unfinished period, 2008-2011, and in preparing the next period, 2012-2015, CHEC members are committed to increasing interaction between its four overall fields of research, organized around a set of federating themes. To this end, the CHEC has reorganized its branches as follows : the first branch, "Urban Opposition," involves objects, agents, and structures in cities ; while the second is entitled, "Dynamics of Culture and Art." The third, "Plains and Mountains," focuses on people and place in the Massif Central, in particular natural and human-made structures, population, and heritage sites. This branch is responsible for responding to the numerous requests to the CHEC made by various regional and extra-regional organizations requiring the assistance of scholars in the management of heritage sites. Currently, this branch is working to prepare the classification of the Auvergne volcano chain (la chaîne des Puys) as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is also involved in the preparation of an expansive historical atlas of the region, using the latest cartographic technology recently acquired by the larger university scholarly structure to which CHEC belongs (Maison de la Science de l’Homme). The newly created fourth branch, "Movement of People and Ideas," focuses on ultra-national political and cultural connections and networks.
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