Team leader: Christelle Monteil
Deputy team leader: David Garon

ToxEMAC team is located in Caen in the research building of the CLCC François Baclesse and on campus 1 of the University of Caen Normandy, and in Rouen in the research building of the Department of Health of University of Rouen Normandy.

ToxEMAC team works on the impact of air pollutants on human health.
Air pollution is a major public health problem and is thought to be responsible, worldwide, for 7 million premature deaths per year. These latest WHO estimates place air pollution as the main environmental risk to health, responsible for the onset of respiratory diseases, the development of cardiovascular diseases and cancers. In this context, the scientific objectives of the team are to :
- investigate the mechanisms of toxicity induced during the inhalation of gaseous and particulate pollutants, at the respiratory and cardiovascular levels. We are more specifically interested in the mechanisms of genotoxicity, mitochondrial toxicity and oxidative stress;

- identify and characterise from the physico-chemical and microbiological point of view emerging airborne contaminants, in particular micro- and nanoparticles, and bioaerosols resulting from pollution of anthropogenic or natural origins.

These objectives are divided into two axes according to the nature of the pollutants:
Axis 1: Chemical and particulate pollutants (managers: Véronique André and Cécile Corbière)
Axis 2: Bioaerosols, fungal biodiversity and health (manager: David Garon)

The team's expertise in studying the mechanisms of genotoxicity, mitochondrial toxicity and oxidative stress is used to study the toxicity induced on healthy tissues by an innovative treatment for certain cancers, hadrontherapy. This objective is broken down into an additional line of research:
Axis 3: Toxicity related to irradiation of healthy tissues (manager: Carine Laurent)

ToxEAMC hosts the expertise unit EREM (Expertise, Reconnaissance et Etudes en Mycologie). EREM brings its expertise in the field of mycology and exposure to fungal contaminants and carries out analyses and provides advice and health-environment recommendations in fungal contamination, degradation of buildings by fungi, indoor air quality (housing, public and private sector, hospital environment, etc.) and fungal degradation of materials

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